Ein Tag lang für immer
The exhibition One Day Forever (Ein Tag für immer) was the first exhibition of its kind at the Zwitschermaschine. For one month, a photographer, a writer and an urban calligrapher created a collaborative work. The artists use their tools to tell specific stories. The exhibition was curated by the Berlin curator duo Michelle Houston and Denis Leo Hegic (Berlin Art Society).
Manfred Weber is a photographer and flâneur who captures the seen but often unnoticed moments of everyday urban life. His photography provided the starting point for the story. Nora Linnemann is a writer – her rich texts portray comprehensible anxieties and inner-city encounters. Parisurteil is a left-handed calligraphy writer. With his masterful strokes, words become images and cut through space, on walls, ceiling, the floor and through the canvas.
The result is an immersive exhibition where visitors could walk into the narrative. The boundaries of the different disciplines merged fluidly, creating not a group exhibition but an urban collective story.
Berlin Art Society / YAP
Ein Tag lang für immer
Manfred Weber (Photographer), Nora Linnemann (Author), Parisurteil (Kalligraph)
Michelle Houston and Denis Leo Hegic
- Curation
- Production
Zwitschermaschine, Berlin